Monday, February 8, 2010


Bccthis extends the capabilities of Outlook and Twitter by creating a richer, more contextual messaging experience. Through patent-pending processes, we enable a layer of added context to email, micro-blogging and social networking services. Bccthis is a Los Angeles based startup, founded by Dave Waldman and Michael Steuer with seed financing from private investors


"TweetyJobs is the world's first truly employment-centric social network. TweetyJobs will help connect jobseekers with jobseekers; employers with employers; we'll help you reach out and have real conversations with employers. We're breaking down the walls of traditional job boards. We're building a community that helps people network and connect in ways they haven't been able to in the past"


Twitterfountain - "we mash up tweets and Flickr-images that share the same tags into a spectacular visual"