Tuesday, April 28, 2009


"Tweba allows you to buy, sell, link and ask for stuff easily for Free, taking away the complexity of the process. Listing or asking for an item on Tweba is totally free"


Post a photo on Flickr and announce it on #Twitter is now possible with flick.to.twitt. Simply authenticate both ends and presto you can upload and tweet from one spot

Bad drivers, beware: Twitter peeps have your number

Bad drivers, beware: Twitter peeps have your numberForget about waving fists and wagging middle fingers. A few Alaska motorists are venting road rage with something more high-tech: Twitter.

AKBadDrivers, a Twitter feed that started last month, allows drivers to write in and publicly call-out red-light runners, tail-gaters, close-parkers, cutter-offers, errant-honkers, median-swervers, hit-and-runners, cell-phone chatterers, and all other manner of annoying and dangerous drivers. Picture shows Molly Hutchins and her mother, Annette Mullen, who started the AKBadDrivers Twitter last month


Spreadtweet - it's #Twitter, disguised as a spreadsheet


TwindexxTwindexx will help you:

* Discover like-minded users to connect with
* Add keywords to help others to find you
* Endorse your favorite people and brands
* Reduce the "noise" and connect with the best of #twitter

Monday, April 27, 2009


tmeet.me - tmeet is a tweet to meet. You can send a tmeet about your location to tell your friends where you are, what you are doing, or if you are running late or pretty much anything you want. Its a mashup of mapping and micro-blogging


Twubs are hubs around metahashtags - bringing together Twitpics, RSS Feeds, videos, Photos...


Use #Twitter to send a direct message to "tweetname" with the domain you want. We'll reply with "Success!" or "D'oh"

Saturday, April 25, 2009

TwitterPlan (UK)

TwitterPlan - get local planning applications sent directly to you via a #Twitter DM

Friday, April 24, 2009


Tweetmeme is a service which aggregates all the popular links on #Twitter to determine which links are popular. Tweetmeme analyses links that people have "tweeted", organising and categorising them - devlivering streams of the most popular

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Twibes is a Twitter tool for finding new #Twitter followers and Twitter groups


Dora is a mashup of three API's: Pandora, Twitter, and Bit.ly. It streamlines tweets about what Pandora's playing for #Twitter users, so that it's easier to communicate and share thoughts about the music you're hearing

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Integrate Tweetmeme Buttons

The Retweet button is for website and blog publishers that want to encourage their audience to retweet their content on #twitter

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009


Twazzup "takes everything #Twitter has to offer and lets users find what interests them most"


Openzap - A space to discover new sites, blogs, videos and live events that are recommended by people on social networks i.e. #Twitter

Tweak Today

Tweak Today - "A social mission-based website where users create missions every day and submit photos, videos, or "tweets" about it. The goal is to add something novel to your day that, maybe, you've never done before. We currently support importing content from Flickr and #Twitter, and exporting content to Facebook"

Actor Kutcher out-tweets CNN in online battle

Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher felled media-giant CNN on Friday in a #twitter duel to see who could amass one million followers first. The star of the television series "That '70s Show" and husband of actress Demi Moore defeated the news channel in a race on the micro-blogging service that promised a large charitable donation from the winner, but was laden with social significance

Thursday, April 16, 2009


"TweetLaw is a #Twitter application designed specifically for legal professionals. Why TweetLaw? We believe that sometimes, labels are necessary. So many careers and specialties fall under the legal profession, and we want to give you the opportunity to stand out in your field"

A visual guide to twitter

A visual guide to twitter highlights some of the ways #twitter can be helpful either for personal use or business

#hashtags on Twitter are like channels on cable TV

#hashtags on #Twitter are like channels on cable TV by Alexander Howard for Pistachio

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center to broadcast first live surgery via Twitter in Wisconsin

Aurora Health Care will be the first hospital system in Wisconsin to provide live updates of an exclusive, bi-lateral knee replacement surgery on the Internet. Through the social networking site Twitter, Aurora caregivers will provide a running commentary, updates of activities and photos of the procedure. Twitter users will continuously receive messages of 140 characters or less, called 'Tweets' and images through 'TwitPic'. Twitter broadcast begins at 8:00 AM CST, Thursday, April 16, 2009 - redOrbit

Twitter all clear after worm wave

Twitter has been given the all clear after a worm infected "tens of thousands of users". But experts say the attack could have been much worse. Over the weekend, a self-replicating computer program, or worm, began to infect profiles on the social network. The worm was set up to promote a #Twitter rival site, showing unwanted messages on infected user accounts. Michael Mooney, a 17-year-old US student, told the Associated Press he created the worm to promote his site - BBC

Sunday, April 12, 2009

mikeyy: another Twitter worm on the loose

Mashable has all the details regarding mikeyy

Tinker (beta)

"Tinker is a simple way to discover events people are chattering about on #Twitter. Follow an event stream and Tinker will show you relevant real-time conversations from social media sources like Facebook and Twitter. Whether it's the Oscars or a new iPhone release, no event is too big or small to Tinker about."

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Nambu - A free social messaging client for Mac OSX and iPhone. See and respond to real-time updates from #Twitter and other social messaging services

Friday, April 10, 2009


CoTweet "powers brands on #Twitter. Designed for businesses using Twitter to engage existing customers and attract new ones, CoTweet is a comprehensive Twitter business platform that supports both proactive marketing communication and response-driven customer support. CoTweet allows multiple people to communicate through corporate Twitter accounts and stay in sync while doing so"

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Domain Pigeon

Domain Pigeon lists available domain and #Twitter names which you can register as you please


TwitterJobSearch searches #Twitter for posts on who is hiring. The posted jobs range from full-time, to part-time work-at-home, to one-off hired gun positions. Many of the positions listed are tech jobs, and the number of posts is at critical mass, with Twitter being the social phenomenon that it is

12seconds hopes to be the Twitter of video

"The brainchild of Sol Lipman, Jacob Knobel, and David Beach, 12Seconds is essentially the video analogy for #Twitter. Anyone with a webcam and a 12seconds.tv account can record 12-second videos about virtually any topic. They can post them to the site, as well as Friendfeed, Facebook and, of course, Twitter" - PCMag

Gawkk - What are you watching?

Gawkk is like a '#Twitter for videos' where members discover, share and discuss videos from around the web with their friends by answering the question: What are you watching?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Follow The Masters (golf) online and on Twitter

"The Masters does online coverage at Masters.org better than anyone, thanks to their online streams of Amen Corner and No. 15 and 16. But this is the year that "Tweeting" of the Masters on #Twitter will be in seriously high gear - from a wide variety of angles. For starters, The Masters has it's official feed. Click here to follow. Also, Golf Channel will be tweeting live coverage from it's panel of onsite experts at The Masters. Click here for their feed" - World Golf

Protests in Moldova explode, with help of Twitter

"A crowd of more than 10,000 young Moldovans materialized seemingly out of nowhere on Tuesday to protest against Moldova's Communist leadership, ransacking government buildings and clashing with the police. The sea of young people reflected the deep generation gap that has developed in Moldova, and the protesters used their generation's tools, gathering the crowd by enlisting text-messaging, Facebook and #Twitter, the social messaging network" - NYT

Twitter use explodes

"#Twitter traffic is up 700 percent over last year, and it's all thanks to the old-timers. That's according to the latest numbers from ComScore, which says Twitter drew almost 10 million visitors worldwide in February 2009. In the past two months alone, Twitter traffic has grown by 5 million worldwide visitors, while U.S. Twitter traffic accounted for 4 million visitors in February 2009 - a 1000 percent jump over last year." - PC World

Seesmic Desktop - preview release

Seesmic previews Seesmic Desktop:

Justin.tv adds support for Facebook, MySpace and Twitter

"Now you can log in through your social media accounts, push status updates about what you're watching back to these sites. All channel pages on Justin.tv now include four tabs across the top of the chat window: Chat, #Twitter, MySpace and Facebook. In addition to chatting with other Justin.tv users through the Chat tab, users can click on the other tabs at any time to activate the integration features"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pushing tweets to your iPhone with Apple Push notifications

Ars Technica shows you how to create a Push-based #Twitter update notification system for the iPhone without actually showing you any of the details due to the ongoing NDA

Minneapolis now on Twitter

The City of Minneapolis now has profile on #Twitter, and will alert 'followers' about breaking news, announcements, events, road closures and programs sponsored by the city


"Skimmer is an Adobe AIR desktop application designed to streamline, beautify, and enhance the experience of participating in your most frequently used social networking activities. It improves upon your day-to-day interaction with multiple social networks, including #Twitter, removing distractions and providing a rich experience that is particularly suited to multimedia content"

Central Office of Information (UK) on Twitter

"The Central Office of Information (COI) has opened an official #Twitter account - @COIgovuk. COI is using this popular online service as an additional means of providing news and views from inside the department. To automatically receive these updates, you'll need to create your own Twitter account and then sign up to 'follow' COI's account"


TweetCall - update #Twitter from anywhere by simply speaking into a telephone. 1-877-TWEETCALL is completely free

Twitter featured in Sprint commercial

Biz Stone writes: "The folks at Sprint have a new nationwide television ad running and they've included #Twitter along with other services people use and depend on such as mobile phones, email, texting, and Google which is really cool for us. Even more fun is that they took the little blue bird that my long time collaborator on fun design and illustration projects Phil and I drew and made it into a 3D animation. Love it!"


Twisearch - a personalized web search engine. It's personalized because it tries to learn the interests of the user by looking at his latest twitter status updates. Using that learned profile it then reorders the search results obtained from a traditional search engine so that the more important ones (to the user) are at the top


tweefind - #Twitter search by user rank

A Twitter primer for administrators

Christopher Dawson writes for ZDNet Education: "How often have you heard, 'So what the heck is this #Twitter thing, anyway?' or 'Why the heck would anyone want to use Twitter?' To be honest, they're not bad questions. Those of us who are Twitter geeks have to remember that the rest of the world may not be Tweeting with us. In particular, teachers and administrators in our schools are often far removed from social media and struggle to see it as anything more than a time drain or a legal liability. For those people, I’m creating this Twitter primer. Lots of people have done a 'how to Twitter' and I don't need to redo it here. This is directed at the administrator or teacher in your school, district, university, etc., who is curious about Twitter, but either doesn't see the value or doesn't see how it can fit into a school setting. Here goes - feel free to add relevant points in the talkbacks if you've had luck in your own setting with social media tools (or if you are still unconvinced)...

Phoenix Suns join Twitter with Twackle

"The Phoenix Suns are incorporating #Twitter into their Web site. Called Suns Twackle, the new section will collect and post all Twitter messages that mention the Phoenix Suns. Twitter is a social media Web site that is growing in popularity where users have 140 characters to describe 'What are you doing?' Typically the brief conversations morph into discussions between other Twitter users. The Suns have been one of the more prolific users of Twitter since center Shaquille O'Neal began tweeting regularly. Tweeting is one of the many new words spawned by Twitter users to describe the short messages sent. O'Neal has about 560,000 followers on Twitter, one of the most popular personalities participating on the Web site" - PBJ

Astronaut uses Twitter to detail training

"A U.S. astronaut says he's using #Twitter to detail his last weeks of training for the fifth servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. Astronaut Michael Massimino - whose Twitter username is Astro_Mike (@Astro_Mike) - will fly aboard space shuttle Atlantis during the STS-125 mission, scheduled to be launched May 12. The 11-day flight will include five spacewalks to refurbish and upgrade Hubble with state-of-the-art science instruments designed to extend the telescope's lifetime through at least 2014." - UPI

New FriendFeed a mashup of Twitter/Facebook/GChat

"Social aggregator FriendFeed unveiled a major redesign Monday with a big focus on real-time feeds much simpler than Facebook and a new design (like Facebook) that bears a striking resemblance to #Twitter's profile pages" - Wired


localtweeps - get listed in the local #Twitter directory


Twitmatic lets you watch a real-time stream of videos being shared on #Twitter

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Twitter Search Bar

Twitter Search Bar will add a search form and list of hot topics as a banner on #Twitter.com


"twerbose lets you post much bigger tweets to #twitter. We realize that sometimes you just have more to say and 140 characters simply won't do the trick. So spew it here and let us take care of the rest"

Doctor Twitter

"Doctor Twitter is the Twitter Fixer Upper. What does that mean? It means we make the most kick ass Twitter themes the world has ever seen. Look out for Doctor Twitter on a profile near you. Don't say we didn’t warn you


nomee - an all-in-one (Adobe AIR) social networking application that's not a social site, but a tool that helps manage them all, including #Twitter. Nomee simplifies online networking by organizing your contacts and interests all in one place. So you can focus directly on your people, not their sites. And your people can better know you, direct from their desktop

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Twitter Grader

Twitter Grader - get your twitter ranking


Tweetervision - watch music videos while you and other fans post on Twitter


TweetChat - A service that lets you follow and respond to Twitter conversations with any hashtag/keyword. Authenticate using OAuth rather than giving out your password


TwitDiscounts - Find all tweets that mention a special discount

SVN Tweet

SVN Tweet is a newly developed Beanstalk to #Twitter Web API. This script is developed specifically for using the Beanstalk Web Hooks integration technique. This script will take the information given by Beanstalk from every commit message, strip unnecessary characters, and then pass the correct message to Twitter. This will eliminate extra characters that may be submitted to Twitter by Beanstalk using their normal Twitter integration. This will also allow more of the actual commit message to be displayed because of Twitter's 140-character limit

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Sideline is an Adobe AIR desktop application built with the Yahoo! User Interface Library. It allows users to create and group custom queries by topics of interest. Sideline is an open source application released under the BSD license. In addition to showing you which terms are trending on Twitter at the moment (more interesting and relevant than just watching the public stream go by), Sideline lets you create searches that get their own tabs in the interface. The first beta release is out and the code is hosted on github


TweetCongress - Allows you to contact your government representative via #Twitter and petition them. Phone numbers, fax numbers and websites are listed for each representative. You can also petition non-Twitter Congress representatives to join and have direct conversations with their constituents