Monday, August 31, 2009
Twitter Listening Party: tweet and stream The Used's new album for free
Rock band The Used releases their latest album "Artwork" today in the US and the UK. As a way of building buzz and giving fans and potential buyers a chance to hear the new music, the band's label, Warner Bros. Records, has teamed up with Culture Jam Labs to launch what they call 'the first ever Twitter Listening Party'
I'vRead - record your reading by Twitter
"I'vRead is a service to record your books reading history. All you need to do is just to tweet the book name to @ivread on twitter. does not require user registration. twitter users can just tweet to @ivread and voila, it's done! We use "Twitter as a Platform(TaaP)". You may set your Amazon Associate ID on your personal book history page. Amazon links on the top, rankings and each book page have our associate tags, and the income will be used for site management and enhancement" - RSS Feed
Dwitter - Deutsches Twitter-Portal
qTwitter - Qt Chat Application
"qTwitter is an application interacting with #Twitter and social networks. Aims to be as compact as possible still providing outstanding usability. Since it's a Qt-based application with no other dependencies, it works wherever Qt does, i.e. Windows, Mac OS X and vast variety of Linuxes and Unices supporting X11 (including Nokia's Maemo platform)"
"my6sense serves you as your Digital Intuition, by prioritizing content from your personal world of information. The streams you subscribe to and follow daily (RSS feeds, Social Networks, etc.), push increasing amounts of content into your personal space. Wherever, whenever, this content continuously competes for your attention. This makes it humanly impossible to find the hidden pieces of content that are most important to you, from within your personal world of information. Especially while you're on the go"
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
MovieCritter - movie reviews via #Twitter. "Tell us about your last movie-experience. Just send a tweet with the name of the movie, your rating, and your comment" It's easy like this:
"Star Trek" 90% awesome movie @critbot
"Star Trek" 90% awesome movie @critbot
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Met uses Twitter to inform protesters (UK)
Scotland Yard is overhauling its tactics for policing protests, including the use of the microblogging service Twitter to communicate with protesters
Twitter My Site
Twitter My Site - add a Twitter button to your blog or website, and get people to follow you. Customize the image with your twitter ID or any text you wish. Example:
"woofer is simply a novelty website where we thought it would be funny to have a minimum character requirement for public posts and see what people did with it"
What can you accomplish with the extra 1260 characters?
* - Be eloquent
* - Use adverbs
* - DEA (don't ever abbreviate)
In no way associated with Twitter
What can you accomplish with the extra 1260 characters?
* - Be eloquent
* - Use adverbs
* - DEA (don't ever abbreviate)
In no way associated with Twitter
Twitter to roll out commercial accounts this year
"Twitter co-founder Biz Stone said the company is in the first phase of rolling out commercial accounts that will entice business users to pay for premium services like detailed analytics. After that, the company might move into building business-oriented application programming interfaces (APIs), creating a 'commercial layer' over the social network. The commercial APIs would be out 'later this year,' he said" - DigitalBeat
TwittyTunes from FoxyTunes
TwittyTunes is a FoxyTunes feature that allows you to post your currently playing songs to #Twitter, Facebook,, Y! Messenger, Y! Status, and Skype with a single click
Friday, August 21, 2009
Twitter announces GeoLocation API. Track tweets by location
From the Twitter blog: "We're gearing up to launch a new feature which makes Twitter truly location-aware. A new API will allow developers to add latitude and longitude to any tweet. Folks will need to activate this new feature by choice because it will be off by default and the exact location data won't be stored for an extended period of time. However, if people do opt-in to sharing location on a tweet-by-tweet basis, compelling context will be added to each burst of information"
Link your Facebook Page to Twitter
Share status updates, links, photos, notes, and events with your followers on #Twitter, directly from your Facebook Page
Thursday, August 20, 2009
ChatterBox from FanChatter
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The top Twitter client is still the web
"According to a new study from social media solutions provider Rapleaf, the most popular #Twitter client is the web. After looking at the 20 most recent tweets from over 4 million Twitter users, it was clear that updating your status online via is still the dominant way that most people use Twitter, with 65% of tweets attributed to this method. As far as the third-party clients go, only a small handful of clients had enough users to warrant their own slice of the pie chart, and those slices were in the single digits. - ReadWriteWeb
"Vidly will revolutionize the way you share video. We strive to remove unnecessary steps between recording your video and getting it to the people that matter. Formerly known as" What's coming up next?
* A robust iPhone application
* Browse/Search/Popular Vidly videos
* Integration with major Twitter clients
* High Definition video support
* A robust iPhone application
* Browse/Search/Popular Vidly videos
* Integration with major Twitter clients
* High Definition video support
Live Nation's Twitter Scavenger Hunt
All Live Nation Twitter followers who complete the #LNScavHunt will receive a Friends & Family Ticket offer, redeemable for a $10 lawn ticket! And every follower who completes the #LNScavHunt will automatically be entered to win a lawn season pass to their local Live Nation amphitheater
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Labour names new 'Twitter tsar' (UK)
The UK Labour party has appointed Kerry McCarthy MP as its new media campaign spokesperson in the run-up to the general election. The Bristol East MP said it would be the "first election where people don't have to wait for politicians to come to them - to knock on the door, to deliver a leaflet or to do an interview"
"Incoming! is a #Twitter search client for the Mac designed for power users and social media experts. It lets you cut through the noise and find the tweets that matter to you most — so you can follow your favorite topics or keep track of what users are saying about your company's products"
Monday, August 17, 2009
VideoSurf Video Search Engine
VideoSurf Video Search Engine - Search for videos and watch online videos from across the web. Watch viral videos, full movies, TV Full Episodes, funny videos and more. VideoSurf will convert video links you find via #Twitter, Yahoo, YouTube, Google, and FriendFeed. Instead of seeing just a plain link, you see a thumbnail and a mini story board of frames from the video
Friday, August 14, 2009
Project Retweet: Phase One (from the Twitter Blog)
"Some of Twitter's best features are emergent—people inventing simple but creative ways to share, discover, and communicate. One such convention is retweeting. When you want to call more attention to a particular tweet, you copy/paste it as your own, reference the original author with an @mention, and finally, indicate that it's a retweet. The process works although it's a bit cumbersome and not everyone knows about it. Retweeting is a great example of Twitter teaching us what it wants to be. The open exchange of information can have a positive global impact and the more efficient dissemination of information across the entire Twitter ecosystem is something we very much want to support. That's why we're planning to formalize retweeting by officially adding it to our platform and" - Twitter Blog
Thursday, August 13, 2009
phpTweetPic - clone
phpTweetPic is a clone of the popular #twitter photo sharing site Built from php and mysql, you can have your own twitter sharing program up and running in literally minutes with this script
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Opera being composed on Twitter (UK)
"The Royal Opera House is to stage an opera created through social networking site #Twitter. Members of the public have been invited to submit their "tweets" online - messages of up to 140 characters - which will form the new libretto. The first scene of the as-yet-untitled work has already been completed and features a man who has been kidnapped by a group of birds. Excerpts will be performed at the Royal Opera House in September. The opera will be set to original music by composer Helen Porter along with some more familiar opera tunes" - BBC
10 Ways to Archive Your Tweets - ReadWriteWeb
10 Ways to Archive Your Tweets - according to Twitter's search documentation, the current date limit on the search index is "around 1.5 weeks but is dynamic and subject to shrink as the number of tweets per day continues to grow." ReadWriteWeb lists some solutions
a tiny thread
a tiny thread - form conversations by taking tweets and threading them together. Made by Joshua Schachter, creator of Delicious
"Twuner is a 'talking' #Twitter app. What this means is that unlike a traditional Twitter app, which allows you to read tweets of interest, Twuner allows you to listen to those tweets. We refer to it in the #iPhone App Store as a Twitter utility because it was not designed to replace a regular full-featured Twitter app"
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
MyTweetopics is a free service that lets you automatically track the topics that you tweet about based on your #tags. You can also embed your topic channels in your blog/website
Monday, August 10, 2009
EdTwinge - Edinburgh Fringe Tweets
"Do you read the reviews before you choose a show? How do you feel about putting your trust in the (sometimes) dubious wisdom of a few individuals? EdTwinge lets you put your trust in the wisdom of the many. It uses the thousands of opinions expressed every hour on Twitter to provide a crowd-sourced realtime Edinburgh Fringe review service. As well as monitoring the general Twitter "noise" for each act, we also generate a "karma" rating which is the basis for our ranking system"
RSS to Twitter
"RSS to Twitter is a tool to enable you the ability to send RSS Feeds to your #Twitter Account. For instance you might want the RSS feed from CNN to your Twitter. The technology behind RSS to Twitter is Pear and cURL. Pear is used to get the feeds and cURL is used to send the feeds out to Twitter. RSS to Twitter is brought to you by the same developer who brought you JobFeedr and"
Philippa Gregory to Tweet next novel
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Assetize is a website that people can use to buy and sell online accounts. Assetize supports accounts from all online networks. Here's a sample list of platforms that you might want to buy or sell an account from (what you'd buy buying or selling in parentheses):
* Blogger/Blogspot (blog url:
* Friendfeed (account name:, with followers/friends)
* Gmail (email account:
* Google Groups (group account:, with members)
* Ning (developed social network:, with members)
* Twitter (account name:, with followers and past tweets)
* Wordpress (blog url:
* Yahoo! Group (group account:, with members)
You can also buy and sell accounts from networks that aren't in the list above. Simply select 'Other' in the Account Type field and type in the name of your network
* Blogger/Blogspot (blog url:
* Friendfeed (account name:, with followers/friends)
* Gmail (email account:
* Google Groups (group account:, with members)
* Ning (developed social network:, with members)
* Twitter (account name:, with followers and past tweets)
* Wordpress (blog url:
* Yahoo! Group (group account:, with members)
You can also buy and sell accounts from networks that aren't in the list above. Simply select 'Other' in the Account Type field and type in the name of your network
Friday, August 7, 2009
LogoTwitter - web app that allows you to create logos similar to that of #Twitter. All you need to do is enter the logo text, customize the text size and color, and in a matter of seconds you will be the proud owner of a new logo
Attack on one user brings down Twitter
"Twitter's outage yesterday was caused by a coordinated denial of service attack against a single user. The denial of service (DDoS) attack that yesterday disabled micro-blogging service Twitter could have been targeted at a single anti-Russian blogger. The Tbilisi-based user, Cyxymu, was targeted in a coordinated DDoS attack that struck at his Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube services, according to Facebook's chief of security Max Kelly." - Information Age
Text Messaging, Twitter, and Libraries
Text Messaging, Twitter, and Libraries - Text messaging (also known as SMS) is one of the most popular mobile methods for communication, and our 21st century patrons expect information on the go by SMS. Learn how libraries are leveraging SMS, its various roles in scholarly communication, and its value for libraries - January 15, 2010 - Boston, USA
"SumtnSumtn - pure onsite tweeting! Send tweets directly from any website. See what other people tweeted about the site, discuss and get in touch with them"
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Summarizer
"The Summarizer is a mashup between #Twitter and Evri that uses Evri's publicly available Javascript API. It searches for tweets in the past seven days either by username or topic and returns a ranked list of the people, places and things mentioned that have matches in Evri's knowledgebase of more than 2 million topics. Using Evri's news and media index, the Summarizer recommends related articles, tweets, images and videos to explore"
Stop Auto Follow
" is a petition to stop the increasing use of autofollow on #twitter. Auto follow "robots" + Direct Message services will lead to massive spam, and the demise of twitter"
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Twitter Search Script from
Twitter Search Script from runs on the #Twitter API, and returns the latest tweets using your desired keywords
Update: Mashable Twitter Guide Book 2009 now downloadable
Now available as a downloadable presentation:
"#Twitter is a social network used by millions of people, and thousands more are signing up every day to send short messages to groups of friends. But where's the user manual for Twitter? Where do new Twitter users go to learn about Tweeting, retweets, hashtags and customizing your Twitter profile? Where do you go if you want to know all about building a community on Twitter, or using Twitter for business? How can you find advanced tools for using Twitter on your phone or your desktop? To answer all these questions and more, we've assembled The Twitter Guide Book, a complete collection of resources for mastering Twitter. Happy Tweeting!" - Pete Cashmore, @Mashable
Introducing Twitter as a professional development tool
Introducing #Twitter as a professional development tool - 17 September 2009 - The Mitchell Library, Glasgow, Scotland - This session is likely to be of interest to anyone who wants to learn more about Twitter and its practical uses in professional activities including staff development
BloggyBits is a flash widget that helps you show your latest activity on your favorite social sites right at your blog or site. Currently, the following sites are supported:
* One custom rss feed
* One custom rss feed
Delicious bookmarks and Twitter conversations combined
From Delicious: "In an effort to surface the most recent developments from around the world, the Delicious homepage Hotlist has been replaced by our "Fresh" content. Don't worry, you can still find the old Hotlist on the "Popular Bookmarks" tab. With "Fresh" we combine new Delicious bookmarks and Twitter conversations to give you a better sense of what's happening right now"
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
"Tweetblocker is a free resource for #Twitter users and application developers. Using highly advanced filtering, we catalog and rank the top spammers on Twitter, allowing users to quickly and easily find spammers"
With TwitDrawer you can easily draw your own #Twitter profile picture or background image without leaving your browser
Twitter now filtering malicious URLs
"As Twitter has been getting more and more popular, it is increasingly targeted by worms, spam and account hijacking. We've recommended Twitter to start filtering traffic to fight this. They can easily do it, as all the messages go through them. Twitter hasn't announced this, but we just noticed that they have now started filtering Tweets that contain links to known malware sites" - f-secure
Twitter reaches 44.5 million people worldwide...
Techcrunch: "Twitter's worldwide audience grew a healthy 19 percent from May, 2009 (and an even healthier 1,460 percent from June, 2008, when its worldwide audience was just 2.9 million)"
• unfollow who doesn't follow you
• unfollow everyone
Choose and we will do all the hard work for only $15.95. We have exception list, so you don't have to worry about celebrities or your friends. Have 50,000 friends? We don't care, one price for everyone - $15.95"
Twerp Scan
"TwerpScan will check the number of followers of all your contacts, the number of people they are following, and then compute the ratio between those. You can easily sort the list of your contacts; display them in variable batches of 20 to 100 people; and you can follow, unfollow and/or block each contact right there on the spot"
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sponsored Tweets
"Sponsored Tweets is a new #Twitter advertising platform that connects advertisers with tweeters. Advertisers can create sponsored conversations on Twitter. Tweeters can earn money for spreading the word"
Social Cord - offer premium content via Twitter
Social Cord is the simplest way to offer premium content to your audience. Use our platform to monetize by offering mobile content subscriptions in your #Twitter, social network, website or blog
"GovTwit is the world's largest directory of all facets of government on #Twitter: state and local, federal, contractors, media, academics, non-profits and government outside of the U.S. You'll find official government Twitter IDs as well as individuals from different agencies in the directory"
Sunday, August 2, 2009 is a social networking site / aggregator for social network sites which lets you to assign a profile to your #twitter account. The platform itself was created to enable you to fill your profile within minutes using data from other social networks like Facebook, twitPic and others
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Tweet your video from the iPhone 3GS with 12cast
So you've got an iPhone 3GS, and it can take video. You've also got a Twitter account. How do you make these two great tastes taste great together? has the solution: a free app for posting instantaneous video tweets. The app, called 12cast, is now available
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